The class creatively found ways to express themselves using Google image search, creative commons websites, and Google Drawings. We had discussions on digital citizenship and how to access pictures that are allowed to be reused freely. There are some great websites that feature images that can be used freely for non-commercial purposes. Searching for images within a Google Doc (using the insert image function or research tools) automatically returns pictures that are free to use. Greater care must be taken when searching generally.
When creating this book, students honed their skills with creating their own Google Presentation. They learned from me and learned from each other how to change the back ground color, insert an image as the background of the slide, create a Google Drawing and then import into their presentation, and add transitions between slides.
Each student made their own book and we made a compilation of their work to make a class "book" seen below. Their book in their entirety are available for viewing on our website. Please note that you need to be logged into Google using your account first before being able to see the books.