Tuesday, December 16, 2014

First Blogger of the Week: KS

KS is our first blogger of the week for the 2014-2015 school year.  Here is her entry.

In Spanish we have been making paper book bags and writing in stuff that would be in them. Then we are writing what the word is in Spanish next to the word. Like lapiz is pencil but we would draw a picture. Then we colored the book bag in. In Spanish it is mochila.

In our classroom in math, we have been doing multiplication and skip counting problems.

Today we had the laser light show! It was cool! There were characters from shows and superheroes from movies in lasers!!! It was awesome! There were lasers all over the place.They played songs and showed laser pictures to go with the song! It was so fun! It was on Halloween, October 31, 2014. It was in the gym. We were sitting on the ground.The teachers were sitting on chairs. We saw the lasers on the board in the gym. It was amazing.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Hour of Code

 This week we had so much fun stretching our coding skills. We have already created several projects with Scratch as part of our STEM unit this trimester and this week we played around with Tynker.

Tuesday night the district hosted an Hour of Code night where students got to share their experiences and more students had an opportunity to code, perhaps for the first time.

Two students from our class showed off their skills too!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Book Recommendations Using Voki

If you are in need of a suggestion for a great book to read, we can help.  We have created some book suggestions using Voki. Click below to learn more.

Monday, November 3, 2014

FIRST Class Blogger of the Week: KS

KS is our first blogger of the week for the 2014-2015 school year.  Here is her entry.

In Spanish we have been making paper book bags and writing in stuff that would be in them. Then we are writing what the word is in Spanish next to the word. Like lapiz is pencil but we would draw a picture. Then we colored the book bag in. In Spanish it is mochila.

In our classroom in math, we have been doing multiplication and skip counting problems.

Today we had the laser light show! It was cool! There were characters from shows and superheroes from movies in lasers!!! It was awesome! There were lasers all over the place.They played songs and showed laser pictures to go with the song! It was so fun! It was on Halloween, October 31, 2014. It was in the gym. We were sitting on the ground.The teachers were sitting on chairs. We saw the lasers on the board in the gym. It was amazing.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Solving Addition and Subtraction Word Problems- Check!

This week the class prepared for an end of the unit assessment of rounding, place value, and solving addition and subtraction problems.  Those word problems can be very tricky when you are trying to figure out which operation to use.  Today we worked in groups to underline key information in the problems written by 3-Langenmayr.

 Then, we found the numbers that represented parts or wholes for our formula P + P = W.  The group then sorted the problems into the two groups: addition or subtraction. Next, we solved the problems on our own in our notebook.


The last step was to check our answers using the ScanQR Chrome app.

This was a quick and easy way to check our work!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Little Help from My Friend Google

We have been hard at work researching the seven continents using the book Explore Earth's Seven Continents.  After receiving "text-dependent" questions through Google Classroom, we set off to read and answer.   Some of the questions had some unknown words and the class learned a new trick. Instead of asking a teacher, students learned to use the Tools in Google Docs.
First we highlighted the word we wanted to define and clicked on "Tools"...

Then we clicked on "Define"...

And on the side a Research window popped up with the definition!

Maybe Google can correct and grade our documents too...

Ah but it can!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Collaborating to Make Maps of the World

Last week we had the opportunity to have another third-grade class come to our room to work with us in partnerships.  3-Langenmayr came down the hall and were quickly paired with members of our class for an equal exchange of knowledge.  My class knew how to log onto the Chromebooks and open files in Google Drive (and share files) and Mrs. Langenmayr's class came with the knowledge of the world's continents and oceans.

After being partnered up, everyone went to work.  Using a Google Drawing and Google Maps, the students toggled between Chrome tabs and labeled the necessary parts of the world.  

At the end of the day, we met with great success! Later we shared our folder of documents so that 3-L could make copies and and annotate further to make the map they did with their partner, their own.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

International Dot Day!

September 15 was International Dot Day! In class we read The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds.  It is a must read, particularly at the beginning of the school year and when testing is more prevalent.  The students picked up on the theme quickly and realize it is always important to try and that everything you do can and does matter to you and those around you.  We used Sumo Paint to create our own dot pictures.  The hope is that as we look at these dots, we remember Reynolds' message.

Hope you enjoy the book!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

MK Creates a Math Kahoot

What do you do when you get your homework done and you are looking for something to do? Why not create a Kahoot quiz about Math for your classmates?

MK did just that.  She created a Math quiz that was quite challenging.  See the video below.
It was definitely a hit as you can see.

Summer Challenge

Congratulations CC for speaking at the Summer Challenge meeting held last night.  RCSD is asking that students create tutorials to explain Math concepts to be compiled as a resource in the coming years. 
Check out what you need to do on the District page.

She explained to the packed library of students and parents how she created tutorials to explain Math concepts using ShowMe and Lensoo.
To see the tutorials we already made go to our class site.  Stay tuned for our latest batch that use Google Slidses and Movenote to explain how to solve problems with perimeter and area.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Class blogger of the week:IB

This week we had Olympic Day on Monday. We did 3 NEW things: hurtles, stepping stones, and Alaskan Football.  I liked the hurdles the best.

On Tuesday, we had gym and played kickball.  Our team won!

On Wednesday we had music.  I had performance day and danced to Everybody Talks with Ava, Lexi, and Alyssa.  Also, Chloe brought in a snack to celebrate her birthday!  She brought in my favorite -- Jolly Rancher ice pops!

On Thursday, I had a play date with Ava.  She came home with me on my bus.  We played on my trampoline and on my swing set.

On Friday, I brought in a snack to celebrate my birthday!  Also Friday we made our own ice pops because Ava is leaving :(. Later in the day on Friday, Mrs.Roberts and Mrs.McCarter told our class what instrument we are going to play next year! I got the Viola! And that is what happened this week!
471-107757-products_jollyrncher_300x300.png  viola.jpg           640px-2008_Summer_Olympics_-_Men's_110m_Hurdles_-_Semifinal_1.jpg

Friday, June 13, 2014

Class Blogger of the Week: CC

Chromebook Pixel (WiFi) open.When we were using the Chrome Books on Tuesday we were taking a math test that we made on our own. But we got to make the test and we added angles and shapes. But we got to do regular questions, short answer, list, and true or false. Also when we made the test some questions. Dr. Steffens saw them and put it on the test. Also at the end of the math test there were some questions asking if we liked making the test or for Dr. Steffens to make the test.


Monday, June 9, 2014

Class Blogger of the Week: LT

On Tuesday we took the NWEAs.  
We had gym and practiced for Olympic Day.  On Wednesday we did more work on our water projects. In Art we took a test.  On Thursday we had gym and played soccer (I won).  We also made venn diagrams comparing shapes for Mat

Friday, May 30, 2014

Class Blogger of the Week: CAP

We are studying water in Reading/Science it is very interesting learning about oceans, streams, brooks, rivers, and glaciers. 

     In Science we are growing bush beans. They are adult plants. Their leaves are so big. When the bush beans were seeds they were so small now they have a stem and leaves I can’t believe that they grew so much.

         Something awesome is that we are learning script in class it is hard but me and my class got the hang of it. We can write some words like dad , gag, cad, add, had . It’s very hard to make h in script but someday I'll be able to write in script.

    In the gym we had an instrumental demo for when we get into 4th grade. All the instruments sounded great. Some instruments were big like string bass. You have to be tall and strong to play string Bass. To play the trumpet you have to blow very hard.  Well that’s enough from the amazing week I had.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Second Annual Paper Airplane Derby Measures Up to Last Year's

This has been a great week for displaying problem-solving and ingenuity. After distance trials and a chance to redesign their planes, all four classes met for the final face-off on Friday, May 9. MW had the farthest distance for her plane for the whole grade level and JM came in third overall. Below is a slideshow of some of the highlights.


Friday, April 18, 2014

Class Blogger of the Week: MW

On Monday we had the book fair. In Math, we are learning about bar graphs and pictographs. In reading we are learning about what a word means, and looking around that word for clues of the word we were trying to find. On Tuesday, we  were still learning about bar graphs, but adding on to pictographs. On Wednesday, we were still doing pictographs and bar graphs. It was also “hump day”. We got a passage about George Washington. In that passage we had to find out what regarded, evolve and convention means. It was hard to find the clues. We worked with our tables to find the clue and definition. For homework we are read China Ancient Journal day 1,2,3 and more. On Thursday at dismissal we were playing hangman. On Friday at the end of the day we listened to a song and pretended to do hurdles. It was fun. Right now we are reading Natalie Babbitt (Search for Delicious).

Posted by MW  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Class Blogger of the Week Post: ELA's, Music and Smoothies! by AM

During Math we were learning about milliliters and liters. The next day we made delicious smoothies with bananas and strawberries. It was yummy!! We also had the reading ELA’s test for 70 minutes. We needed to do it for three days straight. We also got to learn about the instruments in music class. We got to learn about the Music families too! On Friday we got permission slips to go to the instrument petting zoo. In Social Studies we got to learn about China. We were going to make a info chart about our knowledge on China research. Our class had an awesome week!!!


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Test Your Knowledge of "The Most Beautiful Place in the World" by Ann Cameron

The post below was written by HR, MB, and JB

Here is a test about the book the Most Beautiful Place in the World. First we read the book, Then we thought about questions to ask. Finally, we found out  how to make a Google form.


  • First read the book
  • Read the question carefully
  • Read all the answers
  • Think about the questions
  • Answer the questions
  • Have fun 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Measuring Volume is Sweet Success

Measuring volume was never this tasty!  Today the class worked with milliliters to create a measuring cup that will later hold a strawberry banana smoothie.

First we learned how to use measuring cups. To create our own measuring cups, we poured 100 mL of water into our empty cups and marked the water level on the outside of the cup.  Then we poured another 100 mL of water into the cup and labeled that as 200 mL. We repeated this a third time and discovered that are cups could hold 300 mL.

When we were done creating our measurement tool, we moved on to smoothie making.
Fresh bananas, frozen strawberries, agave, and milk went in the blender to make a tasty treat (this was the rice milk batch).

A few moments of whirling and blending and you have one sweet Math lesson!  I don't think the class minded working with volume this afternoon after our first morning of the ELA test.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

You have heard of Kid President... Meet Kid Teacher

Have you seen Kid President's uplifting videos?  If you are saying no, you must check them out on Youtube.  The class got to know him when I introduced them to Genius Hour.

We were inspired by Kid President's style and message so the class made their own video.  This one is focused on Tips for Taking the Test.  We are taking the New York ELA test next week, so we will have to take our own advice.

One of our students made her own version using the ShowMe app on her iPad at home!  Great job!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Fraction Tutorials for Ordering Fractions Using ShowMe

Having problems with ordering fractions? Have no fear! 3-Steffens will teach all you need to know about ordering fractions with like and unlike denominators.  At the bottom we even have tutorials that explain fractions of a group.

Ordering Fractions with the Same Numerator

Comparing Fractions with the Same Denominator

Finding a Fraction of a Whole Number

Monday, March 3, 2014

Second Blogger of the Week, EB


   In Social Studies we are studying a Winter Olympic sport of our choice. We are making newsletters.We got information from computers and information packets. We use the information to answer questions. When we are done answering the questions we forge all the answers into one paragraph or more. We put our paragraphs with paragraphs we already made on either Sochi,Russia,or the winter Olympics. 

     On Thursday an author came to visit our school. His name is David A. Adler and he used to be a Math teacher. He told us how he comes up with his books.He is the author of the Cam Janson series. Cam Janson is based on a boy with photographic memory who was in David A. Adler’s school. He also told us about some of his books and how writing based on someone you know makes you capital of many things.

    On Friday it was Rockland Read-In Day. We brought some books from our houses and got to wear pajamas.We did other subjects to but we tried to read between classes.

Mrs. Bader came back to read to us.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Class Blogger of the Week: AW


Last Tuesday there was a snowstorm that lasted 12 hours.The next day it was very deep. The snow blew around and our school had a 2 hour delay.The roads were covered in snow. There was lots of snow everywhere.


This past Thursday it was the 3rd and 4th-grade concert. We were very nervous, plus we were very excited. When it started we were very good. It was very fun. We were playing music and singing songs.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Art Imitates Math?

     The class is currently working on understanding how to calculate the area of rectangles.  So what better way to understand area of rectangles, than to connect it to real life.  Rather than focusing on pretending to measure floor coverings (carpet and tiles do not inspire most) we looked to Art.
From Wikipedia
Specifically, we were inspired by the work of Piet Mondrian and his Composition in Red, Yellow, and Blue.  You can learn more about him here.
From Wikipedia

Rectangles of various sizes and a splash of primary colors reveal hidden considerations of area.  After learning about Mondrian and his works, the students set to work creating their own compositions. First they put in the black outlines on 1 centimeter grid paper making sure that they used vertical and horizontal lines to make rectangles.

 After I photocopied their design, the class calculated the area of their rectangles.

On the second copy, they colored in some of the rectangles with red, yellow, and blue.

   When they were all done they cut out both paper and we mounted them on black paper.  Then they discussed the dimensions of their rectangles.  We talked about how rectangles can have the same area but different dimensions, relating it to our multiplication arrays.

Here's the result...

Monday, January 13, 2014

Thank You To the Airmont Rotary Club

Mr. Behr from the Airmont Rotary Club came by on Friday, January 10 to deliver an important message and an important educational tool.   The students learned about community service (Service before self) and the Rotary Clubs mission to give back, especially when it comes to literacy.

All third graders received their very own dictionary, a special gift that will serve everyone for years to come.  

The class loves words and especially finding out their meanings.

After reading Donovan's Word Jar and The Boy Who Loved Words,  we became collectors of words too.

Now we can practice our dictionary skills and understanding of alphabetically order.