Thursday, September 26, 2013

The day I got my first-ever Puppy

When I see poodles reminds of when I got my first puppy.It started in the spring at Long Island at the breakfast table I was so excited because maybe I was getting...My first puppy!!A couple hours later I got dressed and got in the car to go to the pet shop.I couldn't wait,maybe I can get a puppy.When we got there I was jumping up and down with joy.We got inside and we had to look at the puppies first.I felt like buying all of them!!A couple of dogs were to bid some of them were to loudbut this one was just right.There was this room you bring the dog in to get to know it and its reaction was perfect. It was a female but my dad said no it was too expensive.I felt like throwing a tantrum.When we got home I went to my bed I cried intill I got hungry Then my dad said he is going to the gas station which was strange because the tank was full oh well I said and I went to the kitchen to eat mac and chesee. I hid when my got home I hid because I was angry at him but he said he had a suprise for me so. He showed me what was what in his hand and it was a Puppy!!!So that was the day I got my first-ever puppy

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