Friday, May 30, 2014

Class Blogger of the Week: CAP

We are studying water in Reading/Science it is very interesting learning about oceans, streams, brooks, rivers, and glaciers. 

     In Science we are growing bush beans. They are adult plants. Their leaves are so big. When the bush beans were seeds they were so small now they have a stem and leaves I can’t believe that they grew so much.

         Something awesome is that we are learning script in class it is hard but me and my class got the hang of it. We can write some words like dad , gag, cad, add, had . It’s very hard to make h in script but someday I'll be able to write in script.

    In the gym we had an instrumental demo for when we get into 4th grade. All the instruments sounded great. Some instruments were big like string bass. You have to be tall and strong to play string Bass. To play the trumpet you have to blow very hard.  Well that’s enough from the amazing week I had.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Second Annual Paper Airplane Derby Measures Up to Last Year's

This has been a great week for displaying problem-solving and ingenuity. After distance trials and a chance to redesign their planes, all four classes met for the final face-off on Friday, May 9. MW had the farthest distance for her plane for the whole grade level and JM came in third overall. Below is a slideshow of some of the highlights.